Communities Partnering 4 Peace (CP4P) is SWOPs anti-violence program. The CP4P team is passionate about building relationships and fostering public safety in the community. CP4P accomplishes this through their work of providing resources for people likely to commit or be victims of acts of gun violence with trade school services, mentoring, behavioral health counseling, job readiness training, GED training and construction training. To further these initiatives, CP4P staff actively place themselves out in the community doing canvassing, community events and building relationships within the community via conflict mediation, victim assistance and non-aggression agreements with active groups in the community.
One of those community events that CP4P hosts is called Light in the Night. During these events, CP4P offers a variety of fun and engaging activities in order to build their presence in the CP4P target areas. These events combine strong relationship building and organizing with the feel of a block party for all to attend. At the Light in the Night, you can find food prepared by local restaurant owners or the CP4P engagement team, bouncy houses for kids, a video game truck, sports, and organizations providing resources to community members.
SWOP has found this work to foster ties within the community and allows people a chance to come out and enjoy time in their own streets and parks. In a time where gun violence is much too common, Light in the Night gives SWOP’s community members a chance to feel safe, seen and looked after by a public safety figure. CP4P hopes that these events will encourage children and adults alike to share in the goal of safety and togetherness. Light in the Night gives people an opportunity to involve themselves in community initiatives that support anti-violence efforts and look after one another.